Why Pork And Blood Forbidden In Islam ?

Why Pork And Blood Are forbidden in Islam

Islam is the religion od safety,it saves people from what ever hurts or makes them ill,Allah is the creator of all things and He is the All-knowing of every thing.He has created things for reasons,we may know some of them and we may not,but we believe that Allah is the merciful and guardian,He created things and to test us with and distinguish the people who obey His orders or not.The prohibition of the pork was metioned in the Holy Qurans verses in four points Allah Almighty says:

He has only forbidden you dead meat,and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that on which any other name has been invoked besides that of Allah.But if one is forced by necessity,without willful disobedience,Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful ( Quran 2: 173 )

Forbiden to you ( Your food ) are : dead meat, blood ,the flesh of swine, and that on which has been invoked the name of the other than Allah; that which has been killed by strangling,or by a violent blow or by headlong fall, or by being gored to death that which has been  ( partly ) eaten by a wild animal which is sacriced on stone ( altars ) ; ( forbidden ) also is the divion ( of meat ) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety.This day have those who reject Faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me.This day have perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.But if you any forced by hunger,with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most merciful ( Quran 5:3 )

He has only forbidden you dewad meat,and blood and the flesh of swine and any ( food ) over which the name of other than Allah as been invoked.But if one  is forced by necssity, without willful disobedionce, nor transgressing due limits,then Allah is Oft-forgiving Most merciful ( Quran 16 : 115 )

The health risks which are related to eating pork
The diffence between pork & other cattle's meat :

pork includes a big quantity of sebum inside the muscular cells in the meat.It also exist outside the cell in the connective tissues in hig turbidity.Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the skin of mammals to keep it from drying and cracking.It contains fat and and the debris from fat producing cells.

While the sebun of cattle's meat is isolated from the muscular tissue and it isn't pasteurized inside its cells, it is pasteurized outside the cells and in the connective tissues.

The scientific studies proved that the herbivore's fats are emulsfied and the absorbed in the human's intestines when he eats it, then it is converted in his body in spite of the fatc that the emulsification is difficult in his intestines and the pork's fats are absorbed without any conersion or deposition in human tissues as proky fats.

And the cholesterol, which results from pork's anylysis in the body appears in the blood in the form of semi-cholesterol which leads to large rise in the blood pressure and arterosclerosis.These are dangerous factors that introduce filling of the heart muscle, and scientists found that cholesterol, which is found when eating prok.

Pork is rich with compounds that contain a high rate of sulfur and which affects the tissues absorption ability.This leads to the deposit of the mucous substance in sinews,ligaments,cartilages between vertebrae and to degeneration in bones.
The tissues that contain sulfur are damaged, and by rotting , they produce a bad odor and cause hydrogen sulphate gas.It was noticed that the containers that contain pork, although perfectly closed, expel odor from the room after few days as a result of its unsustainable odor.

In contrast, other types of meat were passed through the same experiment and it was found that the rotting of beef is slower than pork and ist rotten odor doesn't spread from it. Pork also contains a high ratio of growth hormone, which has a negative effect on infections.It also has an effect on the stomach groth ( potbelly ) and increases the growth rates for cancer.

According to the scientists studies of fatty meals that contain pork consider pork essential in a cell turning cancerous as it contains growth hormones and it has a great effetc in raising blood cholesterol.

Diseases transported by prok:

islam frobids pork and muslim obey the order of Allah without hesitation, but even modern scientists have reached this astonishing result.

Its amazing that pigs are rich pasture for more than 450 epidemic disases and play the role of intermdeiary to transfer 57 diseases that are caused to man. In addition to these diases that are caused from eating pork are: Dyspepsia, atherosclerosis and many others.

the pig itself is responsible for transferring 27 epidemic diseases, but pork is the main source of dieases as : The liar hydrophobia, wile disease, Japanese fever, Malta fever, scrofula, Menigitis, krip epidemic, the pig's flu & others.

Blood eating is banned in Islam

Allah says: Say: " I find not in the message received by me by insperation any ( meat ) forbidden to eaten by one one who wishes to eat it, unless it dead meat, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine, ' for it is an abomination- or , what is impious , ( meat ) on which a name has been invoked , other than Allah¨'s". But ( even so ) , if a person is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, - thy Lord is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful ( Quran 6:145 )

Al Qurtubi Said: Scholars agreed on blood being Haram ( Islamically prohibited ) , impure, non-edible and not beneficial ."

Healt risks of consuming blood:

Blood carries diffrent poisons, harmful wastes and comounds, as one of its important roles is the transport of food metabolism wastes from the cells to be excreted; the most importnat ones being: Urea, Ureic acid, Keratin and carbon dioxide. Blood also carries some poisons from the intrestines to the liver to be modified.

Once a big amount of blood is consumed, those carrying harmful compounds and those resulting from the digestion of blood itself get absorbed and their levels increase in the body. This leads to an increase in Urea's levels, which may result in brain dysfunction leading to coma.

This is similar to the diased state in hich bleeding of the upper digestion tract occurs and , normally . the accumulated blood is removed to prevent its harm to the body and the brain ( eventually coma ).

Thus, blood contains harmful compounds even if taken from a healthy animal in addtion to its content of parasites and germs if taken from an original ill animal.

Blood is a suitable enviroment for microbial growth:

Its is medically know that blood is one of the best environments for the growth of diffrent types of microbes and as it contains the best nutrition , it is used in laboratories to prapare microbial cultures.

Is Blood suitables as human food?

Blood content of digestible proteins such as albumins, globulins and fibrinogens is little ( 8g / 1000 ml ) and the same is true with fats , whereas it contains a big amount of haemoglobin, which is a complex protein and so very hard to be digested , and in most cases the stomach can not stand it.

Moreover, if blood is coagylated its digestion becomes harder as fribrinogen in this case is transformed harder into fibrin, forming a net that contains red blood cells and fibrin is know to be one of the worst and hardest protein to be digested.

Consequently , health experts did not consider blood in any way suitable for human consumption.

Is any blood comsuption acceptable?

According to the hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad there are two forms of meat, which contains blood but are permissible: the spleen and liver of the permitted animals.


This is why Muslims are required to eat meat that is Halal, which means that has been drained of its blood during slaugther. This is a requirement from Allah, and a scientific health benefit. Therefore , any meat that is uncooked and contains blood is harmfull to tealth.

Islam protects people from any harms that can be transmitted from unhealthy food.

Colledted and Revised by
Hamadi Al-Aslani
Manager of Eaditing and Translation
( with the compliments of
www.rememberAllah.com )

Jeddah Dawah center
Saudi Arabia - P.O.Box 6897 Jeddah 21452
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