Sub7anallah!! Rafael Nadal Beats Roger Federer in Wimbledon Final WOW Al7amdeallah Great Final
Time was 3 clock pm I was waiting 2 watch the final but suddenly they said it was delay coz of rain..Anyhow after while it start..Jag var så nervös under hela matchen att de var svårt och titta, för att jag hejar på Nadal.Jag gillar rogers spel oxå men tyckte att de var dags för Nadal att ta hem titeln Sub7anallah Roger har tagit över nu i fem år mas7allah..så var dags för honom att förlora nån gång måste man förlora en människa är bara en människa men anyway it was wonderfull final and in the end Nadal won Allah akbar.By that final Allah really showed me something i hope that i wll be better in many things only 4 him yalla ma3salam .........................

Al7amdeallah Finally My Spain WON!! It was on Sunday !!
A first-half goal from Liverpool striker Fernando Torres proved enough to give Spain a 1-0 victory over Germany in the Euro 2008 final in Vienna, ending their 44-year wait for a major tournament success.

A first-half goal from Liverpool striker Fernando Torres proved enough to give Spain a 1-0 victory over Germany in the Euro 2008 final in Vienna, ending their 44-year wait for a major tournament success.

WOOW!! Spain reached the European Championship final for the first time in 24 years on Thursday

I was sitting in the living room, not in a good mood and was also feeling tired as I told you ealier I didnt get any sleep..I was eating my meal and
tried to focus on the match between and spain and russia and it was nice match I was happy for spain but was wondering what happend to the Russia team??
They played good against Holland...and then what happend last night ??
Anyhow Im happy the team I support won ...and soon its time for the final between spain and germany
WOOOW!!! Spain 3-0 win over Russia to set up a meeting with Germany. Xavi scored at a rainswept Ernst Happel Stadium to give Spain a deserved 1-0 lead after 50 minutes and substitute Daniel Guiza made no mistake when he beat the offside trap to make it 2-0 after 73 minutes...I hope ins7aallah they wil the Final
* Yalla Spain !!
اللهم اهدني فيمن هديت, وعافني فيمن عافيت, وتولني فيمن توليت, و بارك لي فيما أعطيت
wa tawal-lani fiman tawallaiyta, wa baarik li fima a'ataiyta. (Oh Allah, Guide me with those whom You have guided,
and strengthen me with those whom You have given strength,
and take me to Your care with those whom You have taken to Your care,
and Bless me in what You have given me.)
[Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, An Nasai, At Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Ad Darimi, Al Hakim, and Al Bayhaqi]
اللهم رحمتك ارجو فلا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين, واصلح لي شأني كله, لا إله إلآ انت
illa nafsi tarfata 'aiinan, wa as-ih-li sha'ni kuulahu, la illaha illa anta (Oh Allah, I hope for Your Mercy.
Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye.
Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship but You)
[Abu Dawud 4/324, Ahmad 5/42]
أستغفر الله (ثلاثا ( اللهم أنت السلام, ومنك السلام, تباركت يا ذا الجلال والإكرام
Allahumma antas-Salaamu, wa minkas-Salaamu,
Tabaarakta ya dthal-Jalaali wal Ikraam (I seek the Forgiveness of Allah (three times),
Oh Allah, You are Peace and from You comes Peace.
Blessed are You, Oh Owner of Majesty and Honour)
[Sahih Muslim, 1/414]
اللهم إني أسألك خير الدعآء, و خير النجاح, و خير العمل, و خير الثواب
wa khair an-najahi, wa khair al-ilmi,
wa khair al-'amali, wa khair ath-thawaabi (Oh Allah, verily, I ask You for the Best supplication,
and the best success,
and the best deed, and the best Reward.)